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Campbell County

Changing a Culture

Creating Disciples

Converting the Lost

We engage in local missions to actively serve our community, meet the practical needs of those around us, and share the love of Christ in tangible ways, reflecting our commitment to making a positive impact where we live.

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Changing a Culture

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Creating Disciples

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Converting the Lost

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Embrace where you are...
Bloom where you are planted

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Cedar Hill has embraced the mission of changing a culture, creating disciples, and striving to convert the lost to Christ. Changing a culture for us means reaching, loving, and ministering to one of the most poverty-stricken regions in the state of Tennessee. Cedar Hill is convinced for such a time as this, to bloom in a community that needs Jesus Christ. Cedar Hill is actively involved in the community by investing financially in many non-profits that help with the homeless, drug addiction, local school programs, elderly care, and foster care. We try to be the hands and feet of Jesus by ministering through our once-a-month food pantry that is run by faith because of faithful financial support from our members. On average, Cedar Hill serves fifty to sixty families groceries on the third Tuesday of each month. The food pantry also provides hams and turkeys for needy families around Thanksgiving and Christmas. Cedar Hill has an active WMU program that hosts a yearly yard sale to help with local missions. We are thankful for the hard work that goes into this each year as they take in approx. $6,000 each year. One unique ministry that Cedar Hill has is its deacon's benevolence fund. Each year Cedar Hill hosts a golf tournament that local businesses sponsor a hole. God has truly blessed this 20-plus-year ministry. In 2021, the deacons of Cedar Hill, approached the Arnold family with their blessing to rename the golf tournament to the Ronnie Memorial Golf Tournament to honor former pastor Ronnie Arnold who started this tournament years ago. Each year the money raised goes directly back into our community in whatever situation or concern that might arise. Each year the golf tournament raises over $10,000. If it weren't for the local community's support of believing in this ministry, it would not have happened and we say thank you Campbell County. Cedar Hill also supports the SBC from the associational level to the state level, to the SBC. Under the leadership of Dr. Bryan Burge, the church has vowed to give one percent more each year than the year before at each level of ministry and mission of the SBC.

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