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What We Believe 


Our message at CHBC is to live out The Great Commission by abiding by Acts 2:42. We do this by being a unified church willingly and intentionally taking the gospel message to a world that is in need of a Savior to transform lives, families, and communities at whatever cost it might contain.


We believe that our mission at CHBC is to be a tool that God uses to transform Campbell County by making disciples going above and beyond for the cause of Christ.

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                        Cedar Hill was
                    founded as a Southern
                 Baptist Church in 1900. CHBC
             is a Southern Baptist Church today
         and will remain an instrument to be
      used by God in the
SBC. CHBC affirms the
  "Baptist Faith and Message 2000"
(BF&M 2000) and the church covenant of the SBC. 

Our Makeup

           Come as you are... many wear blue jeans,
    khakis, dresses, and even a few suits. We
strive to create an atmosphere where
everyone feels comfortable. Our music
consists of a blended style of worship led by
      a praise team and choir. We have various
              instrumentalists that include piano to
                          trumpet and anything in between. 

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